In order to process your flag more effectively the artwork needs to be in one of the following format:
Vector .EPS (Adobe Illustrator)
Vector .AI (Adobe Illustrator)
Vector .WMF (Windows Metafile)
Vector .DXF (Auto Cad)
Vector .PDF (Acrobat Reader)
Other types of artwork such as black and white composites; photographs, letterhead, business card or scanned e-mail art can be accepted with additional art charges. If the artwork is not provided in a vector format, a $50 dollar an hour fee will apply to change your artwork from Bitmap to Vector format.
Watch the tutorial video here!
Drawing programs such as Adobe Illustrator create vector graphics, made of lines and curves defined by mathematical objects called vectors. Vectors describe graphics according to their geometric characteristics. For example, a bicycle tire in a vector graphic is made up of a mathematical definition of a circle drawn with a certain radius, set at a specific location, and filled with a specific color. You can move, resize, or change the color of the tire without losing the quality of the graphic.
A vector graphic is resolution-independent--that is, it can be scaled to any size and printed on any output device at any resolution without losing its detail or clarity. As a result, vector graphics are the best choice for type (especially small type) and bold graphics that must retain crisp lines when scaled to various sizes--for example, logos.
Because computer monitors represent images by displaying them on a grid, both vector and bitmap images are displayed as pixels on-screen.
Vector graphics are good for reproducing crisp outlines, as in logos or illustrations. They can be printed or displayed at any resolution without losing detail.
Bitmap images are the most common electronic medium for continuous-tone images, such as photographs or images created in painting programs such as Photoshop, because they can represent subtle gradations of shades and color. Bitmap images are resolution dependent--that is, they represent a fixed number of pixels. As a result, they can appear jagged and lose detail if they are scaled on-screen or if they are printed at a higher resolution than they were created for.
Bitmap images are good for reproducing subtle gradations of color, as in photographs. They can have jagged edges when printed at too large a size or displayed at too high a magnification.
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