Hoisted on flagpoles for more than fifty years, this national flag features the so-called pan African colors.
For some three years, from 1964 till 1966, the republic of Ghana flew a different flag from the one that is current hoisted on national flag poles. The then short-lived tricolor featured the colors green, white and red; instead of the colors green, yellow and red. In fact, this flag looked very similar to the one of Hungary. The flag was again introduced in 1966.
The republic's territory has a fascinating history. It is said that evidence proves that folks have lived and walked the area ever since the Bronze Age, thousands of years ago. However, before 1200 AD. the country's territory had little activity in terms of inhabitants. As of last year, some twenty five million people live in the area that belongs to the republic.
The "Gold Coast" was granted independence from the kingdom of Great Britain back in 1957, thus becoming the very first country in the area to do so. A name was chosen for the new state, which reflected and reflects the roots of territory.
The national flag of Ghana is hoisted on flagpoles during official and non-official times. The state coat of arms as featured on the republic's ensign, displays a baton, a sword and a castle as symbols of authority. The cocoa tree and the mind stand for agriculture and natural resources. The motto is Freedom and Justice.
The lion featured in the center of the shield, as well as the war and civil ensign; reflect Ghana's association with Great Britain. Back in the day, more than twenty-five castles and other fortified establishments were built by different European nations, including the British, Dutch and Portuguese. The Gold Coast was commonly called the White Man's Grave because many European merchants died along this area as a result of Malaria and other diseases.
Banners and flags are an every day object, yet the vast majority of people are quite ignorant of them. Over time, symbolism of historic flags and such become more commonly known, and hence it becomes clearer that they are in fact a system of communication. Like (for example) the signature or clothing of a person made in non-verbal terms which - if read properly - can tell us a great deal about the bearer.
The national flag of Ghana is available in different fabrics and sizes.
For some three years, from 1964 till 1966, the republic of Ghana flew a different flag from the one that is current hoisted on national flag poles. The then short-lived tricolor featured the colors green, white and red; instead of the colors green, yellow and red. In fact, this flag looked very similar to the one of Hungary. The flag was again introduced in 1966.
The republic's territory has a fascinating history. It is said that evidence proves that folks have lived and walked the area ever since the Bronze Age, thousands of years ago. However, before 1200 AD. the country's territory had little activity in terms of inhabitants. As of last year, some twenty five million people live in the area that belongs to the republic.
The "Gold Coast" was granted independence from the kingdom of Great Britain back in 1957, thus becoming the very first country in the area to do so. A name was chosen for the new state, which reflected and reflects the roots of territory.
The national flag of Ghana is hoisted on flagpoles during official and non-official times. The state coat of arms as featured on the republic's ensign, displays a baton, a sword and a castle as symbols of authority. The cocoa tree and the mind stand for agriculture and natural resources. The motto is Freedom and Justice.
The lion featured in the center of the shield, as well as the war and civil ensign; reflect Ghana's association with Great Britain. Back in the day, more than twenty-five castles and other fortified establishments were built by different European nations, including the British, Dutch and Portuguese. The Gold Coast was commonly called the White Man's Grave because many European merchants died along this area as a result of Malaria and other diseases.
Banners and flags are an every day object, yet the vast majority of people are quite ignorant of them. Over time, symbolism of historic flags and such become more commonly known, and hence it becomes clearer that they are in fact a system of communication. Like (for example) the signature or clothing of a person made in non-verbal terms which - if read properly - can tell us a great deal about the bearer.
The national flag of Ghana is available in different fabrics and sizes.